Join us for our 2024 Expanding Horizons Trips.

Days out for anyone who is isolated or lonely and who needs to get out and meet new people. Offering opportunities to participate in various activities, explore different sights and places of interest around Suffolk, and to form new friendships. Each vehicle has a limited number of seats available.

Our aim is to maximize the number of passengers on each Sunday trip by filling all available seats. Telephone bookings for trips can be made 14 days before the scheduled date. Local pickups are offered in Sudbury, Great Cornard, Long Melford, Acton, Great Waldingfield, and surrounding villages, based on seat availability.


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Activities and days out for anyone who is isolated lonely or living in an isolated situation. In order to encourage and allow people to take part in these trips funds have been provided by the David and Jill Simpson fund through Suffolk Community Foundation

The latest trip in September saw two bus loads on a day trip to Southend on Sea. The biggest surprise of the day was when Steven, having spotted the big dipper on the sea front and decided that was his first port of call. After safely parking his motorised chair off he went Up Up and awayyyyyy.